
WTA Partners (sort by country code)

    Government(%) Association(%) Organization(%) Individual(%)
    1- 0 2 3
    Official Address -
    Telephone -
    Fax -
    Email -
    Homepage -
    Objectives (Aims) -
    Activities -
  • Bangladesh
  • ´Ý±â
    (%) (%) (%) (%)
    Official Address -
    Telephone -
    Fax -
    Email -
    Homepage -
    Objectives (Aims) -
    Activities -
  • China
  • ´Ý±â
    Improved sanitation coverge
    2004 2015
    Total(%) Urban(%) Rural(%) MDG target(%)
    100- 100 100 100 on track
    Toilet Association of Finland Toilet Association of Finland
    Chairman Hwang Dae Jin
    Official Address KIRKONKYLANTIE 102 D , 00740 Helsinki, Finland
    Telephone +358-50-5933428
    Fax +358-9762241
    Homepage -
    Objectives (Aims) To raise the overall knowledge of public sanitation system
    (on local level) and to raise the knowledge of sanitation know how in general(on international level)
    Activities Starting and activating the functions on local level in Finland and preparations made for starting of functions on international level
  • ´Ý±â
    (%) (%) (%) (%)
    Official Address -
    Telephone -
    Fax -
    Email -
    Homepage -
    Objectives (Aims) -
    Activities -
  • France
  • ´Ý±â
    (%) (%) (%) (%)
    Official Address -
    Telephone -
    Fax -
    Email -
    Homepage -
    Objectives (Aims) -
    Activities -
  • Ghana
  • ´Ý±â
    Improved sanitation coverge
    2004 2015 Progress toward the MDG sanitation target
    Total(%) Urban(%) Rural(%) MDG target(%)
    55- 73 40 73 insufficient progress
    Indonesian Toilet & Restroom Association Indonesian Toilet & Restroom Association
    President Director Sugihadi HW
    Official Address Delta Building Blok C ¼ø¹ø. 1 ? 2, Jl. Suryopranoto 1 ? 9, Jakarta 10160 Indonesia
    Telephone +62-21-380 1811
    Fax +62-21-384 4875
    Homepage -
    Objectives (Aims) The objectives of ITRA are to develop and promote good PUBLIC TOILET facilities and GOOD TOILET CULTURE to eradicate diseases and enhance people¡¯s health. In Cooperation with official institutions ITRA shall provide social control on the provision of proper public toilet
    Activities To achieve the objectives set forth in article 2, the activities of the 5 year plan 2008 ~ 2013 are as follow:
    ¢º To develop public toilet facilities in the urban areas of Jakarta and Bandung.
    ¢º To support the improvement of school toilets and the education of good toilet culture in school.
    ¢º To promote toilet facilities in the event of natural disasters.
    ¢º To develop close collaboration with the following institutions:

    1.UNICEF, WHO and other international and domestic NGO¡¯s related to the subject of sanitation.
    2. The Korean and Australian embassies
    3. The Indonesian Department of Health, Department of Education and Dep. of Public Works, social affairs and home affairs
    4.The provincial and local government of Jakarta and Bandung.
  • ´Ý±â
    (%) (%) (%) (%)
    Official Address -
    Telephone -
    Fax -
    Email -
    Homepage -
    Objectives (Aims) -
    Activities -
  • Iran
  • ´Ý±â
    Improved sanitation coverge
    2004 2015 Progress toward the MDG sanitation target
    Total(%) Urban(%) Rural(%) MDG target(%)
    100- 100 100 100 on track
    Japan Toilet Association Japan Toilet Association
    President Ue Koo
    Official Address 3F, Dai2bunsei B/D, 1-11-7, Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
    Telephone +81-3-3580-7487
    Fax +81-3-3580-7176
    Objectives (Aims) -
    Activities -
  • ´Ý±â
    (%) (%) (%) (%)
    Official Address -
    Telephone -
    Fax -
    Email -
    Homepage -
    Objectives (Aims) -
    Activities -
  • Cambodia
  • ´Ý±â
    Government(%) Association(%) Organization(%) Individual(%)
    1- 1 4 56
    Korea Toilet Association Korea Toilet Association
    Official Address #213, GwonGwang-ro, Paldal-gu, Suwon-city, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea / 442-834
    Telephone +82-31-226-7001
    Fax +82-31-226-7045
    Objectives (Aims) The Korea Toilet Association (KTA) is an organization established by the Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs, concerning for the maintenance and sanitation of public restrooms. The KTA is a non-profit organization established under the Special Act by the Ministry of Strategy and Finance.

    Improving bathroom cleanliness and culture for the health and benefit of the people • Improving livelihood through hygiene and sanitation

    Further develop the national toilet industry for the purpose of contributing to the development of society.
    (Reference: KTA Bylaws Chapter 1, Article 1)

    ¡âAdvance toilet usage culture ¡âImprove public toilet policies and institutions ¡âToilet-related industries ¡âCampaign to reduce vulnerable toilet social groups ¡âExchange international toilet cultures and lead the country's cultural development through collaborations
    Activities Build Love Toilets
    Build love toilets and/or remodel toilets to help lead a better life for socially disadvantaged homes

    Toilet Korea Cultural Festival
    Award government prizes to encourage pride and to induce voluntary participation for individuals or organizations (officials, businessmen, associations, etc.) who play an active role in the development of Korean toilet culture ‧ Celebration Festival.
    Toilet Culture Awards Ceremony, training and symposiums for toilets officials, dinner party consisting of a variety of events.

    Public Toilets Survey & User Satisfaction Survey
    An unspecified number of public toilet facilities are used ‧ Maintaining the status and user satisfaction by conducting surveys and analyzing policy will serve as a reference for improving toilets.

    Advanced toilet training subjects
    Excellent public toilet facilities targeted towards public officials and associated businessman ‧ The nation¡¯s only program that provides a venue for mutual exchange of information between the participants and experience the culture and toilet training firsthand

    Toilet Quality Certification (TCQ : Toilet Culture Quality)
    Toilet culture quality institutions and enterprises diagnose a public toilet in the bathroom quality certification committee, consisting of experts in each sector and suggest ways to improve and contribute to a pleasant toilet environment and nationwide cultural creation of a clean restroom.

    Standard Portable Toilets Organizations Certification (SPS : Standards of Private Sectors)
    Registration of the Industrial Standardization Act under the provisions of Article 27 ‧ Promote technological development, carry out product certification to improve the quality of portable toilet manufacturers to protect the interests of consumers and to promote the safety of the user. Setting global registration standards also promotes globalization.

    Operation of toilet sharing site & toilet specialty cybermall
    Information-oriented national homepage to keep up with the IT times and SNS aimed to the toilet industry and committed to providing information across cultures.
    Homepage :
    Naver Blog :
    Facebook :
    In addition to selling reliable products at affordable prices online, proceeds are used towards repairing damaged toilets of the less fortunate.
    Shopping mall Site :

    Additional activities
    ¡âCampaign to develop an advanced toilet usage culture ¡âToilet culture projects in consideration of the socially disadvantaged (disabled, elderly, women, etc.) ¡âInternational Toilet ‧ Bathroom Exhibition ¡â Development of 'Happy Mom' toilets for pregnant women ¡âCarry out government research services
  • ´Ý±â
    (%) (%) (%) (%)
    Official Address -
    Telephone -
    Fax -
    Email -
    Homepage -
    Objectives (Aims) -
    Activities -
  • Laos
  • ´Ý±â
    (%) (%) (%) (%)
    Official Address -
    Telephone -
    Fax -
    Email -
    Homepage -
    Objectives (Aims) -
    Activities -
  • Morocco
  • ´Ý±â
    (%) (%) (%) (%)
    Official Address -
    Telephone -
    Fax -
    Email -
    Homepage -
    Objectives (Aims) -
    Activities -
  • Myanmar
  • ´Ý±â
    Improved sanitation coverge
    2004 2015 Progress toward the MDG sanitation target
    Total(%) Urban(%) Rural(%) MDG target(%)
    59- 75 37 77
    Mongolian Association of City¡¯s Toilet Mongolian Association of City¡¯s Toilet
    President Ulziiutas Magsarjav
    Official Address BZ District, Uloonbaartor, UB-48, Mongolia
    Telephone +976- 99112281
    Fax +976-11-452821
    Homepage -
    Objectives (Aims) -
    Activities -
  • ´Ý±â
    Improved sanitation coverge
    2004 2015 Progress toward the MDG sanitation target
    Total(%) Urban(%) Rural(%) MDG target(%)
    94- 95 93 - on track
    Quality Restroom Association of Malaysia Quality Restroom Association of Malaysia
    Official Address The office of Deputy Minister Housing and Local Government Aras 7, Blok K, Pusat Bandar Damansara, 50644, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Telephone +603-2092-5063
    Fax +603-2092-5063
    Objectives (Aims) QRAM 4 main objectives are to:

    1.Improve the quality of life of all Malaysians by continuously generating a high level of public awareness of the importance of a quality restroom environment
    2. Educate the general public of the importance of hygienic restroom habits and cleanliness as part of the national restroom culture
    3. Provide a forum for public restroom providers, contractors, suppliers and users to share concerns and ideas and communicate best practices
    4. Encourage service-minded persons to serve their community to improve the quality of life
    Activities FUTURE PROJECTS AND ACTIVITIES (As of March 2008):
    1. Road Show to major cities in corporation with National Toilet Cleanliness Committee (NTCC) - to create awareness on local level especially for Coffee Shops & Restaurants
    2. Clean Toilet Competitions with National Toilet Cleanliness Committee (NTCC)
    3. Malaysia Toilet College (MTC) initiated by National Toilet Cleanliness Committee (NTCC)
    4. School Toilet Programme - with Ministry of Education
  • ´Ý±â
    Improved sanitation coverge
    2004 2015
    Total(%) Urban(%) Rural(%) MDG target(%)
    35- 62 30 56 on track
    Nepal Toilet Association Nepal Toilet Association
    Chairman Mr. Megha Raj Regmi
    Official Address Anamnagar, Kathmandu, Nepal Mailing Address: GPO Box: 4836; Kathmandu, Nepal
    Telephone +977-1-4248957
    Fax +977-1-4216250
    Homepage -
    Objectives (Aims) To facilitate and ensure safe, convenient and adequate sanitation services in Nepal, To lessen sufferings of women and children and taking care of domestic sanitation, to provide health and hygiene education and awareness campaign, to assist to construct toilets in best quality standardization, and to provide technical assistance to the best toilet works around the world and finally to work for the achievement of the MDG goals. Our mission is to construct appropriate toilets around the world
    Activities Participation in National and International Seminars, workshops and conferences since 2003, preparation of documentary films of toilets and other related field and technical assistance.
  • ´Ý±â
    Improved sanitation coverge
    2004 2015 Progress toward the MDG sanitation target
    Total(%) Urban(%) Rural(%) MDG target(%)
    72- 80 59 79 on track
    Restroom Association of the Philippines Restroom Association of the Philippines
    Chairman Francisco ¡°Jay¡± Bernardo III
    Official Address AFP-RSBS Industrial Park, Km. 12 East Service Road, C-5 Junction, Western Bicutan, Taguig, Metro Manila, Philippines, 1630
    Telephone +63-2-839-0189
    Fax +63-2-809-3038
    Homepage -
    Objectives (Aims) -
    Activities -
  • ´Ý±â
    (%) (%) (%) (%)
    Official Address -
    Telephone -
    Fax -
    Email -
    Homepage -
    Objectives (Aims) -
    Activities -
  • Pakistan
  • ´Ý±â
    (%) (%) (%) (%)
    Official Address -
    Telephone -
    Fax -
    Email -
    Homepage -
    Objectives (Aims) -
    Activities -
  • Palau
  • ´Ý±â
    (%) (%) (%) (%)
    Official Address -
    Telephone -
    Fax -
    Email -
    Homepage -
    Objectives (Aims) -
    Activities -
  • Uganada
  • ´Ý±â
    (%) (%) (%) (%)
    Official Address -
    Telephone -
    Fax -
    Email -
    Homepage -
    Objectives (Aims) -
    Activities -
  • USA
  • ´Ý±â
    Republic of South Africa
    (%) (%) (%) (%)
    Official Address -
    Telephone -
    Fax -
    Email -
    Homepage -
    Objectives (Aims) -
    Activities -
  • Republic of South Africa
  • ´Ý±â
    (%) (%) (%) (%)
    Official Address -
    Telephone -
    Fax -
    Email -
    Homepage -
    Objectives (Aims) -
    Activities -
  • Zambia

2007 WTAA Participating Countries OpenClose

Countries with Toilet Association OpenClose

    Membership Status
    ȸ¿ø¼ö ȸ¿ø¼ö Detail of Country Status
    Government(%) Organization(%) Association(%) Individual(%)
    0 0 0 1
    Official Address -
    Telephone -
    Fax -
    Email -
    Homepage -
    Objectives (Aims) -
    Activities -
  • ´Ý±â
    Improved sanitation coverage
    2004 2015 Progress toward the MDG sanitation target
    Total(%) Urban(%) Rural(%) MDG target(%)
    75 83 100 86 insfficient progress
    Brazil Toilet Association Brazil Toilet Association
    President Amir Lando
    Official Address Condiminio Ville De Montagne Quadra 31, Casa 07, Lago Sul Brasilia, Distrito Fede, Brazilia, Brazil
    Telephone +55-61-8421-1342
    Fax -
    Email -
    Homepage -
    Objectives (Aims) -
    Activities -
  • ´Ý±â
    Improved sanitation coverge
    2004 2015
    Total(%) Urban(%) Rural(%) MDG target(%)
    100 100 100 100 on track
    Toilet Association of Finland Toilet Association of Finland
    Chairman Hwang Dae Jin
    Official Address KIRKONKYLANTIE 102 D , 00740 Helsinki, Finland
    Telephone +358-50-5933428
    Fax +358-9762241
    Homepage -
    Objectives (Aims) To raise the overall knowledge of public sanitation system
    (on local level) and to raise the knowledge of sanitation know how in general(on international level)
    Activities Starting and activating the functions on local level in Finland and preparations made for starting of functions on international level
  • ´Ý±â
    Improved sanitation coverge
    2004 2015 Progress toward the MDG sanitation target
    Total(%) Urban(%) Rural(%) MDG target(%)
    55 73 40 73 insufficient progress
    Indonesian Toilet & Restroom Association Indonesian Toilet & Restroom Association
    President Director Sugihadi HW
    Official Address Delta Building Blok C ¼ø¹ø. 1 ? 2, Jl. Suryopranoto 1 ? 9, Jakarta 10160 Indonesia
    Telephone +62-21-380 1811
    Fax +62-21-384 4875
    Homepage -
    Objectives (Aims) The objectives of ITRA are to develop and promote good PUBLIC TOILET facilities and GOOD TOILET CULTURE to eradicate diseases and enhance people¡¯s health. In Cooperation with official institutions ITRA shall provide social control on the provision of proper public toilet
    Activities To achieve the objectives set forth in article 2, the activities of the 5 year plan 2008 ~ 2013 are as follow:
    ¢º To develop public toilet facilities in the urban areas of Jakarta and Bandung.
    ¢º To support the improvement of school toilets and the education of good toilet culture in school.
    ¢º To promote toilet facilities in the event of natural disasters.
    ¢º To develop close collaboration with the following institutions:

    1.UNICEF, WHO and other international and domestic NGO¡¯s related to the subject of sanitation.
    2. The Korean and Australian embassies
    3. The Indonesian Department of Health, Department of Education and Dep. of Public Works, social affairs and home affairs
    4.The provincial and local government of Jakarta and Bandung.
  • ´Ý±â
    Improved sanitation coverge
    2004 2015
    Total(%) Urban(%) Rural(%) MDG target(%)
    33 59 22 57 not on track
    Sulabh International Social Service Organization Sulabh International Social Service Organization
    Founder Dr. Bindeshwar Pathak
    Official Address Sulabh Gram, Mahavir Enclave Palam-Dabri Road New Delhi - 110 045. India
    Telephone +91-11-25031518, 25031519
    Fax +91-11-25031518, 25031519
    Objectives (Aims) To raise the overall knowledge of public sanitation system
    (on local level) and to raise the knowledge of sanitation know how in general(on international level)
    Activities Sulabh has constructed/converted 1.2 million such toilets throughout India in the past three and a half decades. Householders are motivated by Sulabh workers to have these toilets constructed in their houses.

    1. Two-pit, pour-flush Sulabh Toilets
    2. Sulabh Public Toilet Complexes
    3. Biogas from public toilets
    4. Sulabh Biogas plant Effluent Treatment System (SET) for reuse of effluent
    5. Scavengers¡¯ Liberation Programme
    6. Training and Rehabilitation of Scavengers and Empowerment of Women
    7. Social Upgradation of Scavengers
    8. Sulabh English medium Public School
    9. The Sulabh International Museum of Toilets Training of Professionals
    10. Advocacy
  • ´Ý±â
    Improved sanitation coverge
    2004 2015 Progress toward the MDG sanitation target
    Total(%) Urban(%) Rural(%) MDG target(%)
    90 91 69 88 on track
    World Toilet Association (Jamaica) Limited / Jamaica Toilet Association World Toilet Association (Jamaica) Limited / Jamaica Toilet Association
    Chairman Ronald G. Thwaites
    Official Address -
    Telephone -
    Fax -
    Homepage -
    Objectives (Aims) -
    Activities -
  • ´Ý±â
    Improved sanitation coverge
    2004 2015 Progress toward the MDG sanitation target
    Total(%) Urban(%) Rural(%) MDG target(%)
    100 100 100 100 on track
    Japan Toilet Association Japan Toilet Association
    President Ue Koo
    Official Address 3F, Dai2bunsei B/D, 1-11-7, Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
    Telephone +81-3-3580-7487
    Fax +81-3-3580-7176
    Objectives (Aims) -
    Activities -
  • ´Ý±â
    Government(%) Association(%) Organization(%) Individual(%)
    1 1 4 56
    Korea Toilet Association Korea Toilet Association
    Official Address #213, GwonGwang-ro, Paldal-gu, Suwon-city, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea / 442-834
    Telephone +82-31-226-7001
    Fax +82-31-226-7045
    Objectives (Aims) The Korea Toilet Association (KTA) is an organization established by the Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs, concerning for the maintenance and sanitation of public restrooms. The KTA is a non-profit organization established under the Special Act by the Ministry of Strategy and Finance.

    Improving bathroom cleanliness and culture for the health and benefit of the people • Improving livelihood through hygiene and sanitation

    Further develop the national toilet industry for the purpose of contributing to the development of society.
    (Reference: KTA Bylaws Chapter 1, Article 1)

    ¡âAdvance toilet usage culture ¡âImprove public toilet policies and institutions ¡âToilet-related industries ¡âCampaign to reduce vulnerable toilet social groups ¡âExchange international toilet cultures and lead the country's cultural development through collaborations
    Activities Build Love Toilets
    Build love toilets and/or remodel toilets to help lead a better life for socially disadvantaged homes

    Toilet Korea Cultural Festival
    Award government prizes to encourage pride and to induce voluntary participation for individuals or organizations (officials, businessmen, associations, etc.) who play an active role in the development of Korean toilet culture ‧ Celebration Festival.
    Toilet Culture Awards Ceremony, training and symposiums for toilets officials, dinner party consisting of a variety of events.

    Public Toilets Survey & User Satisfaction Survey
    An unspecified number of public toilet facilities are used ‧ Maintaining the status and user satisfaction by conducting surveys and analyzing policy will serve as a reference for improving toilets.

    Advanced toilet training subjects
    Excellent public toilet facilities targeted towards public officials and associated businessman ‧ The nation¡¯s only program that provides a venue for mutual exchange of information between the participants and experience the culture and toilet training firsthand

    Toilet Quality Certification (TCQ : Toilet Culture Quality)
    Toilet culture quality institutions and enterprises diagnose a public toilet in the bathroom quality certification committee, consisting of experts in each sector and suggest ways to improve and contribute to a pleasant toilet environment and nationwide cultural creation of a clean restroom.

    Standard Portable Toilets Organizations Certification (SPS : Standards of Private Sectors)
    Registration of the Industrial Standardization Act under the provisions of Article 27 ‧ Promote technological development, carry out product certification to improve the quality of portable toilet manufacturers to protect the interests of consumers and to promote the safety of the user. Setting global registration standards also promotes globalization.

    Operation of toilet sharing site & toilet specialty cybermall
    Information-oriented national homepage to keep up with the IT times and SNS aimed to the toilet industry and committed to providing information across cultures.
    Homepage :
    Naver Blog :
    Facebook :
    In addition to selling reliable products at affordable prices online, proceeds are used towards repairing damaged toilets of the less fortunate.
    Shopping mall Site :

    Additional activities
    ¡âCampaign to develop an advanced toilet usage culture ¡âToilet culture projects in consideration of the socially disadvantaged (disabled, elderly, women, etc.) ¡âInternational Toilet ‧ Bathroom Exhibition ¡â Development of 'Happy Mom' toilets for pregnant women ¡âCarry out government research services
  • ´Ý±â
    Sri Lanka
    Improved sanitation coverge
    2004 2015 Progress toward the MDG sanitation target
    Total(%) Urban(%) Rural(%) MDG target(%)
    91 98 89 85 on track
    Sri Lanka Toilet Association Sri Lanka Toilet Association
    Chairman Hon. Rohana Dissanayake
    Official Address 660/4, Main Street, Mandandawela, Matale, Sri Lanka
    Telephone +94-66-2234331
    Fax +94-66-2234331
    Homepage -
    Objectives (Aims) To help urban poor
    Activities -
  • ´Ý±â
    Improved sanitation coverge
    2004 2015 Progress toward the MDG sanitation target
    Total(%) Urban(%) Rural(%) MDG target(%)
    59 75 37 77
    Mongolian Association of City¡¯s Toilet Mongolian Association of City¡¯s Toilet
    President Ulziiutas Magsarjav
    Official Address BZ District, Uloonbaartor, UB-48, Mongolia
    Telephone +976- 99112281
    Fax +976-11-452821
    Homepage -
    Objectives (Aims) -
    Activities -
  • ´Ý±â
    Improved sanitation coverge
    2004 2015 Progress toward the MDG sanitation target
    Total(%) Urban(%) Rural(%) MDG target(%)
    94 95 93 - on track
    Quality Restroom Association of Malaysia Quality Restroom Association of Malaysia
    Official Address The office of Deputy Minister Housing and Local Government Aras 7, Blok K, Pusat Bandar Damansara, 50644, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Telephone +603-2092-5063
    Fax +603-2092-5063
    Objectives (Aims) QRAM 4 main objectives are to:

    1.Improve the quality of life of all Malaysians by continuously generating a high level of public awareness of the importance of a quality restroom environment
    2. Educate the general public of the importance of hygienic restroom habits and cleanliness as part of the national restroom culture
    3. Provide a forum for public restroom providers, contractors, suppliers and users to share concerns and ideas and communicate best practices
    4. Encourage service-minded persons to serve their community to improve the quality of life
    Activities FUTURE PROJECTS AND ACTIVITIES (As of March 2008):
    1. Road Show to major cities in corporation with National Toilet Cleanliness Committee (NTCC) - to create awareness on local level especially for Coffee Shops & Restaurants
    2. Clean Toilet Competitions with National Toilet Cleanliness Committee (NTCC)
    3. Malaysia Toilet College (MTC) initiated by National Toilet Cleanliness Committee (NTCC)
    4. School Toilet Programme - with Ministry of Education
  • ´Ý±â
    Improved sanitation coverge
    2004 2015
    Total(%) Urban(%) Rural(%) MDG target(%)
    35 62 30 56 on track
    Nepal Toilet Association Nepal Toilet Association
    Chairman Mr. Megha Raj Regmi
    Official Address Anamnagar, Kathmandu, Nepal Mailing Address: GPO Box: 4836; Kathmandu, Nepal
    Telephone +977-1-4248957
    Fax +977-1-4216250
    Homepage -
    Objectives (Aims) To facilitate and ensure safe, convenient and adequate sanitation services in Nepal, To lessen sufferings of women and children and taking care of domestic sanitation, to provide health and hygiene education and awareness campaign, to assist to construct toilets in best quality standardization, and to provide technical assistance to the best toilet works around the world and finally to work for the achievement of the MDG goals. Our mission is to construct appropriate toilets around the world
    Activities Participation in National and International Seminars, workshops and conferences since 2003, preparation of documentary films of toilets and other related field and technical assistance.
  • ´Ý±â
    Improved sanitation coverge
    2004 2015 Progress toward the MDG sanitation target
    Total(%) Urban(%) Rural(%) MDG target(%)
    72 80 59 79 on track
    Restroom Association of the Philippines Restroom Association of the Philippines
    Chairman Francisco ¡°Jay¡± Bernardo III
    Official Address AFP-RSBS Industrial Park, Km. 12 East Service Road, C-5 Junction, Western Bicutan, Taguig, Metro Manila, Philippines, 1630
    Telephone +63-2-839-0189
    Fax +63-2-809-3038
    Homepage -
    Objectives (Aims) -
    Activities -
  • ´Ý±â
    Improved sanitation coverge
    2004 2015 Progress toward the MDG sanitation target
    Total(%) Urban(%) Rural(%) MDG target(%)
    100 100 - 100 on track
    Restroom Association of Singapore Restroom Association of Singapore
    President Jack Sim
    Official Address 26 Ubi Rd 4, the Besco B/d. 408613, Singapore
    Telephone -
    Fax -
    Email -
    Homepage -
    Objectives (Aims) -
    Activities -
  • ´Ý±â
    Improved sanitation coverge
    2004 2015 Progress toward the MDG sanitation target
    Total(%) Urban(%) Rural(%) MDG target(%)
    88 96 72 93 on track
    Turkey Toilet Association Turkey Toilet Association
    President Halil Dag
    Official Address -
    Telephone -
    Fax -
    Homepage -
    Objectives (Aims) -
    Activities -
  • ´Ý±â
    Improved sanitation coverge
    2004 2015 Progress toward the MDG sanitation target
    Total(%) Urban(%) Rural(%) MDG target(%)
    68 71 48 82
    Toilet Venezuelan Association Toilet Venezuelan Association
    President Julio Cesar
    Official Address Calle Tropical, Quinta Gisela.? Urb. La Floresta.? Municipio Chacao. Caracas. Venezuela.
    Telephone +58-412-639-0393
    Fax +58-212-285-7598
    Homepage -
    Objectives (Aims) To guard over the improvement of sanitary facilities.
    To develop technology related to baths.
    To exchange cultural information with other countries.
    To construct baths and sanitary public facilities.
    To offer advising in sanitary matter.
    Activities At this moment we are in touch with two Mayoralties (one of the cardinal district and other one of the interior of the country) to develop sanitary projects.

Countries without Toilet Association OpenClose

  • Afghanistan
  • Bangladesh
  • Belgium
  • Burkina Faso
  • Bulgaria
  • Brunei
  • Bolivia
  • Switzerland
  • Cote D'ivoire
  • Cameroon
  • China
  • Costa Rica
  • Dominican Rep.
  • Egypt
  • Spain
  • France
  • Gabon
  • Ghana
  • Greece
  • Guatemala
  • Honduras
  • Iran
  • Italy
  • Kenya
  • Kyrgyzstan
  • Cambodia
  • Laos
  • Lebanon
  • Morocco
  • Morocco
  • Myanmar
  • Nigeria
  • Oman
  • Panama
  • Peru
  • Pakistan
  • Palau
  • Paraguay
  • Qatar
  • Romania
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Sudan
  • Sweden
  • Slovakia
  • Somalia
  • El Salvador
  • Thailand
  • Tunisia
  • Tanzania
  • Uganada
  • USA
  • Uzbekistan
  • Vietnam
  • Serbia and Montenegro
  • Republic of South Africa
  • Zambia
  • Zambia
  • Zimbabwe